
DTM Textiles invests in automation for its plant in Guatemala

06 July 22

DTM Textiles is a Guatemalan company seeking to automate their plant dedicated to manufacture fabric for fashion. Founded in September 2019, DTM Textiles is putting their effort to create quality fabrics at competitive prices.
When we contacted them to launch a proposal, they had a clear target: to automate their plant in order to take control and traceability of the whole manufacturing process, covering 1500 tons of fabric per year. We were facing a long-term project intended to generate wealth and jobs on the outskirts of Guatemala City.


All processes followed by DTM Textiles at that time were manual. Dyeing recipes used were made in excel, chemicals were manually dosed exposing workers to high security risks. At that point DTM had clear they needed to start a new chapter in which manufacturing processes would flow, and their dosing systems would be upgraded to the digital achieving high-performace and minimising risks at the same time.


After visiting their plant twice to understand on-site plus several meetings with their engineers to know how to approach the project, we came out with a proposal. We suggested to fully automate their machinery park, install a software to manage and standarise all processes and install an automatic dosing system. With this set of solutions DTM Textiles would be able to speed up their manufacturing while keeping track on all costs in detail.

Trabajadores de DTM Textiles editando recetas en InfoTint

The first step was to automate their jets fleet. We upgraded their machines by installing our controllers Atlantis series 300, adding high-quality valves from our partner Italvalvole, and other accessories such as batch controllers, seam detectors and level sensors. This way the full dyeing process would be automatic. When the machines were fully automated we’ve connected them to our MES system InfoTint. With this solution establishes a unique control point for the plant. At this point, DTM Textiles could create cycles and recipes and get rod of that unproductive excel. They were embracing an automatic workflow that executes accurately the processes created as registers every step at the same time.

Dos trabajadores de DTM probando el controlador PCT300

As part of InfoTint we’ve installed the module TexPes to connect scales to the system in order to rush dye preparations. Once InfoTint generates the batch, a weighting sequence displays on the computer connected to the scale. This diagram indicates the correct dye to use to compose the recipe precisely. This module is perfect to monitor an efficient usage of chemicals. Through its bar code reader, TexPes automatically detects if the batch is compatible with the recipe to be prepared.

To complete this stage of the project, we needed a high-performance liquid chemical dosing system, so we’ve installed TecnoDos. This solution was the perfect match to solve all the logistic issues between the chemical warehouse and dyeing machines. TecnoDos has helped DTM Textiles to run smooth and precise dosages and cut product waste. Also has became a relief for their operators since they only have to monitor the process, instead of carrying heavy tanks of chemicals to each machine.

TecnoDos instalada en el almacén de químicos de DTM Textiles


After the start-up, DTM Textiles has ceased to work manually jumping out to a full automatic plant management increasing their productivity significantly in a short-term period.

They’re able to generate dyeing cycles and personalised recipes in InfoTint, deploying their manufacturing plan in seconds. Now they can plan their production capacity more efficiently by executing batches and reorganise it in case the have an urgent order to dispatch. Our controllers are in charge to execute commands from InfoTint and gather all relevant information from dyeing machine. This feedback between systems allows DTM Textiles to obtain relevant data of each process to analyse them and keep improving their manufacturing.

Trabajadores de DTM Textiles trabajando con el nuevo software

TecnoDos has been a major upgrade as well increasing their safety protocols for workers. They don’t have to manipulate chemicals manually anymore and the plant looks cleaner and organised. With TecnoDos connected to InfoTint, DTM Textiles can monitor all dosages required by each recipe ensuring the correct amounts are sent to machines by each batch. This is a significant improvement as the fabric rolls are produced with the same quality, avoiding re-processings.

Imagen de TecnoDos instalada en el almacén de colorantes de DTM Textiles


DTM Textiles has relied on 4.0 technology to automate the whole manufacturing proceses. With this technological upgrade they control everything involved in manufacturing such as batches, raw material consumptions while they obtain real-time data directly from machines. This combination allows them to take better decisions based on real data to keep improving their manufacturing processes.

If you want to know more about how we can help you to improve your textile plant, do not hesitate to contact us. we will help you to make the leap to 4.0 textile manufacturing technology.