Textile machinery exhibitions postponed to 2021-2022
Covid 19 has thrown out all the plans that require large crowds. Among many of the events affected are the scheduled textile machinery exhibitions. Since March and after assuming the …

Covid 19 has thrown out all the plans that require large crowds. Among many of the events affected are the scheduled textile machinery exhibitions.
Since March and after assuming the situation, many textile industry events began to move dates, and most of them were directly re-scheduled for 2021 predicting the panorama about to come.
With the sight set on ITMA 2023, which will be held from June 8th to 14th in the Italian city of Milan, there are many showcases to be celebrated throughout the year.
They represent a great impact on the economy of the cities that host the event because of the millions of euros that are invested, and a great benefit for the developers of textile solutions that have the possibility of showing in a more direct way to the clients their product catalog and close business opportunities.
Textile exhibitions: From physical to digital
One thing this situation has taught and continues to this day what Darwin said: “It is not the strongest […] that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change”.
And this is precisely what many of the sector’s exhibitions have done. By using creativity and technology, they have created virtual showcases where you can meet the exhibiting companies, join sectorial videoconferences or schedule a visit.
A clear example is the Innovate Textile & Apparel Virtual Trade Show which has opted for a more extensive format than a conventional fair. It has designed stands that can be personalized with the brand of each exhibitor where you can find information points, consult the product catalog, what’s corporate videos explaining their products or arrange a meeting with the exhibitor.
Example of the Amec-Amtex booth where EAS is participating in the Innovate Textile & Apparel Virtual Trade Show
However, many events do not wish to give up the traditional face-to-face format. That is why their organizers postponed them, placing them in 2021 when it is believed that the pandemic can be more controlled, thanks to the development of the Covid-19 vaccine.
Although we are still in a somewhat uncertain situation, the organizers of the main exhibitions are keeping their appointments.
Let’s have a look of the exhibitions scheduled for 2021-2022!
Textile machinery exhibitions 2021-2022
Colombiatex of the Americas
Medellin, Colombia from 27 to 29 July 2021.
Colombiatex de las Américas was one of the few fairs that could be held this 2020 since it is always organized during the month of January. For 2021 they maintain their bet for the presential fair, but they open themselves to the omnichannel.
Despite having prepared extraordinary sanitary measures to guarantee the celebration of the event, Inexmoda has announced through a press release (only in Spanish) a statement to postpone the physical event due to the latest advances of the pandemic worldwide “prioritizing health and common well-being.” Nonetheless, the exhibition will maintain the online format.
As we have announced in our blog, the event was one of the most susceptible to be altered given de dates scheduled although Inexmoda was firm in their organization as they expressed in a strong manifesto.
Announcement of the extraordinary security measures being prepared by the organizers of Colombiatex 2021.
The event that usually takes place in January, will have a special edition in July together with Colombiamoda. Colombiatex is arranging all details and they’ll provide further information soon as announced on their website.
Blumenau, Brazil from 10 to 13 August 2021
After Febratex scheduled the event for April 2021, the organizers have issued a statement informing about the decision to reschedule the 17th edition of Latin America’s most important textile exhibition in Brazil.
Febratex will now be held from 10 to 13 August 2021.
Febratex Group is confident the Covid-19 pandemic scenario will be more favourable when the vaccination process deploys in Brazil, to ensure a safe event for all participants.
As the dates approach, digital tools such as the Marketplace, where participating companies can showcase their products, will continue to be used.
Here you can read the full press release in Portuguese.
Febratex Marketplace
Buenos Aires, Argentina, from May 31 to June 2, 2022.
Almost coinciding in dates with Febratex, the Simatex will also be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
The event organized by MundoTextil and Messe Frankfurt, has confirmed its dates and the location of the event: The Costa Salguero center in Buenos Aires.
Frankfurt, Germany, January 11-14, 2022
The German fair by excellence of home textiles has delayed the fair from May 2021 to January 2022.
This was another of the fairs that could be organized in 2020 and was very successful. From Messe Frankfurt they confirm that they are working to carry out a safe and successful event, although they are very conscious of the restrictions to travel around the world. Therefore, as they state in a press release, they have moved the event to the month of May where they are confident that the situation has calmed down.
ITM 2021
Istanbul, Turkey June 22-26, 2021
The organizers of the Turkish textile machinery fair were among the first to postpone the 2020 event and directly move it to 2021. It will be held together with the Hightex, the nonwoven and technical textiles exhibition, in a double event so that visitors can optimize their time and attend both events.
Shanghai, China June 12-16, 2021.
The exhibition that was planned to take place in October 2020, was another of the first exhibitions announcing its cancellation on April and moving the dates to 2021.
ITMA Asia is optimistic because, despite the fact that the situation is a little worrying, almost all the space has been reserved at the NECC center, where the event will be held.
The organizers assure that they are taking security measures, trying to find additional space, as well as putting the last participants registered on waiting lists.
This is how the 2021 season is scheduled at the moment. Will these events suffer new cancellations? Should we prepare for a 2022 calendar given the current situation? These are unresolved questions that we will know as the pandemic progresses. For now, let’s be careful to see each other again later on.